Monday, February 18, 2008

Corralling Narcissism

Gathering my thoughts this morning is challenging. Not only am I tired, but the cats insist on saying “good morning,” one by one. Every time I begin typing, one of them demands acknowledgement of her existence. When you have four cats, there’s no doubt they exist…however, they’re narcissistic and like to drive the point home.

We’ve had a busy weekend, lots of company, more expected today. We’re also enjoying constant sunshine…I’ve apologized profusely to Mother Nature for criticizing every rain storm. Turns out she’s narcissistic too and just needed a little acknowledgement.

Hmmmm….maybe there’s a trend here. How hard is it to “pay it forward”? We’re all narcissistic to a certain extent…we’re human. We have commitments, time constraints, responsibilities—we tend to think our stuff is more important than others’ stuff.

But, let’s face it, it’s usually only important to us and doesn’t register in the grand scheme of things.

...................................................................sorry, I just fell off my pedestal. I’m now humbly sitting in a chair…

Our actions are what people remember, not our activities’ calendar. No matter how justified our behavior seems to us—viewing it through others’ eyes is often a truer representation of reality.

The hard truth…if your actions warrant value, you earn respect.

I’m off to throw my pedestal in the trash. Although…it might make a good cat-scratching post…

1 comment:

One-time runner said...

I hope you're feeling better, I look forward to reading your insight each day. Keep up the good work.