Thursday, February 7, 2008

Moon chaos

Do new moons wreak the same havoc as full moons?? My preschool class resembled the Twilight Zone today—I was so sure it was a full moon. The calendar says otherwise…

I actually haven’t seen the sky for a while, but I trust the moon is there in one phase or another. Oregonians rely on trust regarding outer space. We breathe a collective sigh of relief when the perpetual clouds part and celestial bodies appear.

I should have known something was wrong this morning… Parents quickly dropped off their children and fled. Usually they stand and visit with one another...this morning, I don’t even think they said “hello.” They signed their children in, shoved them through the door, and definitely fled.

Halfway through class, I realized I hadn’t had near the quantity of caffeine needed to teach alien children. I watched them in amazement, stopping to peel one or two off the ceiling every few minutes. They definitely looked like my students—I even double checked the pictures on their name cards. They didn’t respond to my students’ names though, and they definitely didn’t know our classroom rules.

I’m pretty sure they were pod children, brought to life by the new moon that feels more like a full moon. My guess is this is a rare celestial event that happens once every 1000 years. I’m counting on that, because I can’t live through today again. At the end of class, I returned the darlings to their parents, triple-locked my door and called Starbucks :).

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