Thursday, August 7, 2008


Nothing reminds you faster of mortality than a pre-purchase plan from a local cemetery. I received my first solicitation today, and frankly, I was slightly insulted. I may not be 20 or 30-something, but I certainly have both feet far from the grave.

According to the brochure, if I make my purchase post haste, I eliminate future financial burdens (on my family, I suppose) and feel eminent peace of mind knowing everything’s taken care of. For one thing, I have no desire to lay trapped in a gravesite for perpetuity, for another, I have both feet far from the grave!

Statistically, people are living longer—according to my personal calendar, this brochure is about 20 years early. Although, dementia is a potential concern—maybe 15 years early is a safer bet. Either way, anything requesting my business before then will be quickly round-filed. Truthfully, they’d be tossed anyway. I believe in cremation and the cycle of life.

Personal beliefs aside, tonight I’m celebrating continued good health—the brochure has been ceremonially shredded. A little dramatic, but damn it felt good.


One-time runner said...

I've wondered about having a place where future generations could go and connect with their past, and the value that would have. I guess I don't have a preference, but what a short sighted plan to think everyone would always get a plot...just not enough earth to go around.

Anonymous said...

20 YEARS!!! I am planning on many more than that. No plot for me- I hope to be remembered in the trees, wind, sun, water and even rain!! Think of me there- not at a plot. C-UT

Echo said...

You're right--I wasn't clear when I said 20 years! I still plan to have both feet far from the grave, but that's the soonest I'm willing to address future possibilities...